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Parque Vista

The Parque Vista Building 2 at Southern Cross Care’s Duhig Village features Independent Living Units within a new six-storey development catering for 172 residents.

PDT Architects were engaged by FKG Group under a D&C Contract to document the build and assist with the delivery of the project. Southern Cross Care has been extending the Parque Vista Retirement Living complex at Holland Park as part of the masterplan for the site. Parque Vista Building 2 is the second of their Retirement Living unit blocks and provides another 40 units in a mix of two- and three-bedroom apartments similar to the previous block.

The new building compliments the design style of the existing complex and provides for 62 basement carparks with entry off the central roundabout. Each apartment has generous balconies with views to the adjacent park or the inner landscaped spaces. The building provides a large, artificial-turfed recreational deck (Galton Green) which include BBQ facilities for family functions and residents’ activities. Connectivity with the remaining complex has been maintained to provide access to the existing facilities like the swimming pool, café and library.


Southern Cross Care

Holland Park, Queensland



PDT Architects, Brisbane

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