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Toowoomba Grammar School Aquatic Centre

oowoomba Grammar School has a distinct architectural aesthetic that reflects the integrity of the school and the heritage of the city. The design brief for the aquatic centre evolved organically as new ideas and opportunities were captured to meet the needs of the school and local community.

PDT designed the aquatic centre to take a modern twist on the existing school buildings while sitting comfortably on a challenging site. The design melds form and function to deliver a contemporary and practical aquatic facility which reflects the integrity of the school and the city.
Layered building materials and a down turned roof create a modern aesthetic and de-fragmented brick banding makes a bold statement at the centre’s entries and exits. The centre’s 25 x 25 meter pool is two meters deep with Olympic-width lanes. A state-of-the-art diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration system was installed to provide the clearest water available in a pool environment and requires significantly less chlorine than regular pools.


The Toowoomba Grammar School

Toowoomba, QLD





PDT Architects, Brisbane

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